How The Ketosis Diet Helps You Cure Epilepsy | Healthy Journey

When your body cannot burn enough carbs for energy, a condition known as ketosis occurs. Instead, it burns fat to create something called ketones that it can utilize as fuel.
If you’re seeking help on diabetes & weight loss, you’ll likely come across the term “ketosis.”
Ketosis & the Keto Diet
A common low-carb weight loss strategy is ketosis. Ketosis might help you feel less desperate for food and aid in fat burning. It also aids in maintaining muscle. Your body becomes highly effective at burning fat for energy when this occurs. Additionally, it causes the liver to produce ketones from fat, which the brain can use as fuel.
A ketogenic or “keto” diet is high in fat and protein but very low in carbohydrates.
Ketosis typically begins in healthy individuals who do not have diabetes and are not pregnant after 3 to 4 days of consuming less than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day. Three slices of bread, a cup of low-fat fruit yogurt, or two small bananas are comparable. Fasting can also spur the ketosis process.
Different types of ketogenic diets
The ketogenic diet comes in a variety of forms, including:
- The standard ketogenic diet (SKD) consists of a high-fat, moderate protein, and low-carbohydrate diet. Usually, it has 70% fat, 20% protein, and only 10% carbohydrates.
- The cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD) alternates periods of lower-carb refeed, such as five days of ketosis followed by two days of high carbs.
- The targeted ketogenic diet (TKD) is a diet that permits the addition of carbs just before or after exercise.
A ketogenic diet with a high protein content is similar to one with low protein content. Frequently, the breakdown is 60% fat, 35% protein, and 5% carbohydrates.
However, only conventional and high-protein ketogenic diets have undergone in-depth research. Targeted or cyclical ketogenic diets are more sophisticated techniques mainly used by sportsmen and gym trainers.
Health benefits of ketosis

Beyond promoting weight loss, ketosis can have other advantages. Doctors may recommend a ketogenic diet to kids who have Epilepsy because it might help them avoid seizures. Adults with epilepsy occasionally follow modified Atkins diets.
According to some studies, a ketogenic diet may help reduce your chance of developing heart disease. According to additional research, particular low-carb diets can benefit those who suffer from conditions like:
- Autoimmune condition
- Insulin sensitivity
- Diabetes type 2
- Acne
- Cancer
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Neurological disorders such as Lou Gehrig’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’
- Signs & Symptoms
- You can feel unwell during the first week of a ketogenic diet. Although some term it the “keto flu,” it is not a recognized medical illness. Some specialists say these results from the withdrawal of sugar and carbohydrates. Or it can be brought on by alterations in your gut flora or a response from your immune system. You could experience brief adverse effects like:
- Headache
- Tired
- Mental haze
- Mood swings
- Congestion
- Difficulty sleeping
- Nausea
- Intestinal cramps
- Drowsiness
- Desires for sugar
- Cramps
- Aching muscles
- Bad breath is often referred to be ketogenic breath.
- Food to Eat:
- The majority of your meals should be centered on these foods:
- Meat, including chicken, turkey, ham, sausage, and red meat.
- Salmon, trout, tuna, and mackerel are fatty fish.
- Omega-3 or pastured whole eggs
- Butter and cream: thick cream made from grass-fed butter.
- Mozzarella, goat, cream, blue, cheddar, and other unprocessed cheeses
- Almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, and other nuts and seeds.
- Healthy oils: avocado oil and extra virgin olive oil
- Avocados: fresh guacamole or entire avocados
- Green vegetables, tomatoes, onions, peppers, and other low-carb vegetables.
- Spices, herbs, and salt are examples of condiments.
- Your diet should mainly consist of entire, single-ingredient meals.
- Foods to Avoid:
- Any food with many carbohydrates should be avoided. A ketogenic diet calls for the reduction or elimination of the following foods:
- Sugar-containing foods include soda, fruit juice, smoothies, cake, ice cream, and sweets.
- Grains or starches include cereal, pasta, wheat-based products, rice, and so forth.
- All fruit, except modest amounts of berries like strawberries.
- Beans or legumes, such as peas, lentils, chickpeas, and kidney beans.
- Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips, other tubers, and root vegetables.
- Low-fat or diet goods: low-fat salad dressings, condiments, and mayonnaise
- Here are some sauces and condiments: ketchup, honey mustard, teriyaki sauce, barbecue sauce, etc.
- Harmful fats, such as mayonnaise and refined vegetable oils.
- Alcohol: mixed beverages, beer, wine, and so on
- Sugar-free sweets, syrups, puddings, candies, sweeteners, and other diet items.
- Exercise
- A ketogenic diet may be beneficial when endurance athletes work out, like cyclists and runners. Over time, it improves your body’s ability to use oxygen when working hard and lowers your muscle-to-fat ratio. Although it might be helpful in training, it might not be as effective as other diets for achieving peak performance.
- Water Intake:
- To flush ketones out of your body naturally, drink extra water. The ketogenic diet includes inherent factors that can result in the unfavorable consequence of dehydration. Although managing them and staying in ketosis might be challenging, keto dieters can make water a crucial component of their weight loss plan by self-monitoring, drinking the right amount of water, and supplementing their electrolyte levels.
- Conclusion:
- Remember that the keto diet was never intended as a sustainable plan for weight loss and good health. Some physicians may not be cautious when recommending this diet. The hazards of the ketogenic diet may also be unknown to your ketogenic buddies.
- If you frequently follow the ketogenic diet for weight loss or other advantages, you risk developing chronic illness and possibly even dying young.
- Be cautious in all situations and diets, sin lowering your carbohydrate consumption. While starting a ketogenic diet has some enticing advantages, it could also become you addicted to bacon memes. The fat in this diet is where the enjoyment is buried. With some research and mindful moderation, butter, hog fat, and coconut oil could become your new best friends.
- Exercise is a part of the best diet and health regimens. It is entirely conceivable for the vegetarians and vegans in the home to continue eating a plant-based diet and achieve keto rock star status. Although eating fat is a typical ketogenic diet, you can get your fat from avocados, almonds, and coconut oil.
Originally published at on October 28, 2022.